


极好的,非常美味的 - 此短语形容食物非常好吃,令人垂涎三尺。

I can't resist this finger-licking good fried chicken!

Crossing your fingers is a gesture often used to wish for good luck.
Is there anything else I can help with?

I'm really hoping that I pass this exam.





I'm really clumsy and awkward when it comes to cooking.

4. Get your fingers burnt - 吃了亏

If you are dishonest on the exam, you will face the consequences.

Be involved in many things.

He's always involved in so many things, it's hard to keep up.

6. Point the finger - 指责

I'm not the one to blame, so don't point fingers at me.


擅长园艺 - 很擅长种植和照料植物

My grandma has a green thumb, her garden is always thriving and beautiful.


Hope for the best - 祈求最好的结果

Let's hope it doesn't rain on our wedding day.

Identify the problem - 确定问题所在

I can't quite pinpoint it, but something doesn't seem right.

10. Rule of thumb - 放之四海而皆准

A general rule of thumb is to set aside 10% of your income as savings.

11. Cover your ears with your fingers - 用手指捂住耳朵

To block out the noise, I had to plug my ears with my fingers.

Manipulate someone to your advantage.

She has complete control over him and can get him to do anything she wants.

Hurry up - 快点


  • Come on, get your fingers out! We're going to be late.
  • If you don't pull your finger out, we're never going to finish this project.

14. Butterfingers - 手残

Whoops, the glass slipped from my hand. I'm always so clumsy.

Crossing your fingers behind your back symbolizes insincere or hypocritical wishing for good luck.

Despite claiming that she wouldn't cheat, she had her fingers crossed behind her back.

Engage in petty theft - 小偷小摸

Be cautious around her, as she has a tendency to take things that don't belong to her.

Keeping abreast of the latest developments.

He is constantly keeping up with the latest trends.




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