



If you register for the CET-4 exam but fail to show up, it will be considered as an absence and you will receive a score of zero. However, this absence will not affect your eligibility to take the exam in the future. Some universities, however, have a policy that if you miss the exam without a valid reason, you will be prohibited from registering for the next exam. For example, if you miss the June exam, you will not be allowed to register for the December exam.

If you fail to attend the English CET-4 exam after registering, it will be considered as a missed exam and you will receive a score of zero. However, this will not affect your ability to take the exam in the future. Some universities have a policy that if you miss the exam without a valid reason, you will not be allowed to register for the next exam. The English CET exam is a national English exam supervised by the Ministry of Education. Its main purpose is to objectively and accurately measure the practical English ability of college students and provide evaluation services for college English teaching. In general, if you miss the English CET exam, it will be counted as a zero score. Additionally, some universities have a policy that if you miss the exam, you will not be allowed to register for the next exam.


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